EDITORIAL by lintan - 20/01/25 A chaotic-type of Global Politics is a System created by dark forces to create DIVISION among the citizens of the world. The scenarios we've been watching now, showing right on our faces and have witnessed by our two naked eyes, are truly the reality HOW WICKED the greedy leaders competing each other, who have the best grandstanding shots in front of the main stream media. Not a surprise to us anymore, where the EVILs exist --- obviously, they are inside the chambers in all governments of all countries in the world. These famous chambers are their most favorite havens where all the perks are being tackled and distributed. Also in these chambers, where it constitutes, the people's prison cells, where the masses are forcibly made to exist, and the houses of evil systems, we are made to follow. For thousands of years, humanity are made to suffer of all types of pains in EXCHANGE for the BRIBED MONIES that the greedy caretak...