Life Will End but the Soul is Eternal
The 60 years we have spent on our Earth's journey were mostly coupled with lots of ups and downs. We did pass through the many waves from our happiest and saddest moments in life -- and even up to this time we are still shakened by many odds, that made us even stronger and determined to keep going. Sometimes, being human, we are worried of the now and for the future, believing that physical hindrances may hinder our way. Nonetheless, we do consider our selves blessed, great and special beings for having been chosen as the "messenger for truth". Materially we may say not quite of that, but being spiritually awake is all that matters that made us think that we are indeed special. Age 67 isn't a retirement but a journey towards love, light and freedom. I don't think of age 78 as the life expectancy because for me, we are timeless. Our soul is endless, the physical body die off but the spirit lives on eternally. It's not abou...