

The strongest medication a person must have is "Grounding". Grounding has been healing people for thousands of years, and it’s completely free. People who rarely take time to connect with Mother Earth are unhealthier than ever. Physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually you'll find the feeling of completeness as you allow yourself personally attached to nature.  Go hug the tress, walk in barefoot, and lay down your body on the grass, sand and soil. Swimming in the seas, rivers, and water falls are great factors to healing. Namaste🙏 Monica Rose Le

Truth is not seen, it's felt

Truth Is Not Seen; It's Felt.  When you are too attached to 3rd dimensional illusions, the LIES will over power the TRUTHS inside your heart-mind. You are more inclined to disagree and believe what your eyes can see and what your skin can feel.  Until you DETACH yourself from your 3D realities, only then, that you will feel the sweetness of truths and the brigthness of light inside of you.  Divine Love and Divine Power of One.  Monica Rose Le

Great Awakening Map

Great awakening map


09/23/24 Grand rising beloved soul fam.  Spiritual Awakening isn't an easy journey, it requires high patience and perseverance to reach a good inner discernment. You need to go through many processes until everything in you becomes renewed and have transformed into a kind of new era of light.  Spiritual Awakening is a challenge that you have to be ready to face the different tunes of life. Understand that there are ups and downs, in which, you have to take positively realities of life.  Understand that as you take many steps into your spiritual journey, pay closely on the paths you have travelled on, in order to reach the exact direction. Do not go astray. Just handle the process as a part of the quests into your own end game.  "Many are called, but few are chosen",  a common phrase you've been hearing for quite some time in your religious and spiritual journeys. -- Take a pause, and ask yourself, if you are one of the chosen ones? Many times that you ask yourself and


AGE IS JUST A BELIEF Age is just a belief. It's just a reflection of your mind, NOT your DNA. If you think you are old, it manifests and reflects on the outside.  Here's an excerpt  taken from an article, and it says:  "Your age is a reflection of your mind, not your DNA. Embrace positive thoughts, let go of limiting beliefs,and renew yourself daily. Aging is a program you can choose to rewrite. Aging happens when the telomeres  shorten. Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from becoming frayed or tangled. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become slightly shorter. Eventually, they become so short that the cell can no longer divide successfully, and the cell dies" Here are simple tips i've got on my research:  👉Telomeres are lengthened by doing things you love to be doing. Do not be the joy killer --- feel young ... live young, and avoid over thinking that you are old/growing old,  and that, you already reached your senior age, waiting for the Grim Reap


AGE IS NOT IN YOUR DNA Aging is a program of mind control. It is a lie that people die of old age because there is no "age" for our DNA in cells. The cells in our bodies are constantly renewing themselves, even in older people. There are many errors in cell reproduction, but there is always a biological-emotional reason for our death. It is not so easy for a person to die until the heart and lungs stop working. People don't die of old age or disease, people die of their emotional conflicts that have led to this aging and later death. There is no age for our DNA, we create boundaries with the years our bodies die. Aging comes from negative thinking and a low vibrational state of dominance. If we do not have the limited belief that it is normal to grow old, we will not grow old, or at least not at such a rate that aging is "normal". This is because - our skin regenerates every 3 months - blood every 6 months - the lungs are renewed every year - the liver heals in