
Not A Coincidence

Our Presence On 3D Realm  is Not A Coincidence Putting myself in ---  My presence here on earth is not a coincidence. It's my choice to come here. My soul voluntarily incarnated and decided to choose, who I would like to have a soul contract with. I chose my own biological parents. No reason for me to regret the kind of parents and family I am with.  I know I am here for a very special purpose.  My purpose and your purpose are  the same. It's just that we vary from each other in terms of the level of consciousness --- depending upon how attentive we are to listen to own spiritual calling, while we are here on this 3D plane. That is why, no reason for you to say that this is my life and that's your life.  Our goals are parallel to each other, therefore; the saying that says;  "no one can push me to do what I would like to do and no one can stop me to pursue my desire to focus on the physical and material aspects of my own reality. As it is indeed the kind of


Para doon sa nagtatanong. Isahin ko na reply ko dito: Scott Ritter is right.... Philippines will not win versus China. If the Filipinos have high confidence that  America will help and defend us, NO! USA won't help and defend us!  WASHINGTON DC is gone. The White House is closed and surrounded by fence. Washington DC for those who are not aware is a USA Corporation, a de facto government, owned and run by private elite reptillian families who controlled America and all countries in the world. They owned the Federal Reserves that printed US Dollar out of thin air, not backed by gold and silver. These ELITES are all gone!  If the Philippines would insist to go to war in West Philippine Sea and provoke China, do you think the USA corporation military will come to defend and rescue the Filipinos? No!  The USA Corporation as I said is  gone, and already lost their powers and strongholds.  Okay, let's say America will help, the question who will send orders and command to the US mili

Grand Solar Flash

There's a BIG SHIFT COMING,         ðŸ‘‰the "SOLAR FLASH"  NOTHING CAN STOP IT‼️ The Concluding Scenario that         all are waiting for‼️ When it hits the Earth surface, then,  that's it...  During this timeline, our body will change in full from carbon based to crystalline silk body form. Meaning our manipulated DNAs will be upgraded and intact again to 12 DNA strands. And, our dimensional state of consciousness will level up to 5D or even higher -- it will vary depending on every individual's vibrational frequency being pick up by the flash.  Therefore, shall we say, Funds then by that period will just be secondary or not even necessary and Med beds too. Q (the original Q), the Divine Source says, these are 3D stuffs which are no longer needed in 5th density. We will be divine healers of our selves and be the super power human beings through the aid of the Grand Solar Flash.  All negative entities will be wiped out. Those vibrating in lower frequencies cannot su

Together We Fly

Together We Fly As we are drawing near, many lies and deceptions are coming out in the open. If your spiritual awakening is weak, too easy for you to believe on the brainwashing done by others twisting the truth back to lies. Not you awakened ones! Let not those who try to put stains and make this transformation delapidated be nailed down on the cross of lies.  Disinformations are everywhere, making many sweet promises. Be Alert and be careful!  Together we STAND! Together we FLY!  Together let's sing the song for TRUTH.  The song for the soul is heard from high frequency.  ~Letan~

Where we came from

Now you understand why those leaders in every country who did not follow orders and command were removed and killed. The former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Sr, former US President JFK Sr, former US President Abraham Lincoln, etc... were just few names to mention who were removed and killed for not following orders and command.  The pursue to topple down US President Trump, expanded further, the reason of the 2020 rigged election, and the failed assasination attempts on Trump, Putin, Xi and other white hats government leaders who go independent from the archon/draconian type of governance.  It does not take time for you to analyze and understand now,  why those other politicians in every country in the world, who won during election period became their puppets in exchange for money, fame and power. Corruption triggered and proliferated worldwide rooted from bribes for bowing heads and bending knees in order to connive with their NWO agenda.  All the problems in the