

EDITORIAL by lintan - 20/01/25 A chaotic-type of Global Politics is a  System created by dark forces to  create DIVISION among the citizens of the world.  The scenarios we've been watching now, showing right on our faces and have witnessed by our two naked eyes, are truly the reality HOW WICKED the greedy leaders competing each other, who have the best grandstanding shots in front of the main stream media.  Not a surprise to us anymore, where the EVILs exist ---  obviously, they are inside the chambers in all governments of all countries in the world. These famous chambers are their most favorite havens where all the perks are being tackled and distributed. Also in these chambers, where it constitutes, the people's prison cells, where the masses are forcibly made to exist, and the houses of evil systems, we are made to follow.  For thousands of years, humanity are made to suffer of all types of pains in EXCHANGE for the BRIBED MONIES that the greedy caretak...

The Blueprint

January 18, 2025 The BluePrint  by lintan Could it be the ironing out of everything after President Trump has successfully won the race to a Triumphant Drain Operation?  Remember I said before? --  i did able to learn this entire phases of events from the pioneers of Global Currency Reset gurus ---  who were very popular from year 2009 to 2015. These group of gurus had intact knowledge about the original blueprint of the Plan To Save The World  against the Khazarian Mafia Federal Reserve/Fiat US Dollar System.  To reiterate what was in that blueprint:  Since the beginning of the Plan To Save The World versus the NWO-Satanic Elites, the declaration to Reset the Global Financial System and the GESARA were set up by our beloved Ancient Chinese Elders. The Elders were the ones behind the ambitious dream to flatten the curves of darkness created by the KM Zionist Israeli Jews/US Corporation, who controlled and dominated the entire Global Market using their ...

Leveling Up

🌈---Leveling Up--- 🌈 by LinTan -- 01/10/25 Moving to 5D is a matter of choice.  Your choice is your decision to make which is which in this very crucial time.  Our Level States of Consciousness matters. Leveling Up is helping us  grow spiritually and aiding us to vibrate higher to higher frequencies.  Being at our high level states of conciousness, we become highly awakened and enlightened to exist into the Truth of Love and Light.  Giving Up is far from negative choices, if our main focus is only addressed into our own spiritual journey. Remember that our Higher Self is the Best Teacher/Mentor/Guide.  Tap your Higher Self because your Higher Self is the God being within you, and the only legitimate Teacher of Spiritual Enlightenment, who teaches you, Who You Really Are, and Why You Are Here On Earth. FREE WILL is a Gift  --- 🙏 Just as your WISDOM is a Gift -- 🙏 Bring them up to higher level. Do not  allow any dark thoughts and external mind c...

Life Will End but the Soul is Eternal

The 60 years we have spent on our Earth's journey were mostly coupled with lots of ups and downs. We did pass through the many waves from our happiest and saddest moments in life -- and even up to this time we are still shakened by many odds,  that made us even stronger and determined to keep going.  Sometimes, being human,  we are worried of the now and for the future, believing that physical hindrances may hinder our way. Nonetheless, we do consider our selves blessed, great and special beings for having been chosen as the "messenger for truth".  Materially we may say not quite of that, but being spiritually awake is all that matters that made us think that we are indeed special.   Age 67  isn't a retirement but a journey towards love, light and freedom.   I don't think of age 78 as the life expectancy because for me,  we are timeless. Our soul is endless, the physical body die off but the spirit lives on eternally.  It's not abou...

Everything is Biblical

Everything Is Biblical ---- Because that's what they told us!  by lintan - 03/01/25 They knew, and the reason why everything is predictive programming. This explains the reason,why they knew what's going to unfold -- through their erroneous books and movies that they are telling us their narrative.  They are called the Fallen Angels, the Annunakis that exist in a Devil Comet. They claimed planet earth as theirs, including the earth's civilization. They are the second coming that humans are blinded to know and understand.  Soon The World Will Know The Truth!  ------That Yeshua(Jesus) is not coming in this 3D timeline ruled and run by satan. The second coming we are told  is the coming back of the annunakis-fallen angels, who are fast approaching, which are causing all the weird atrocities happening in all parts of the world. Remember the April 8th solar eclipse? That was the most anticipated day of the arrival of planet X nibiru. The world that time was gone chao...

Thoughts on Drones Sightings Over Us, Galactic Federation and Project Blue Beam

Just A Thought on Drones Sightings Over USA, UK, Germany and other Parts of the World and Trump's Connection to the Galactic Federation Council of Five -- 18/12/24 There are only two sides of a coin - either the evidence points to Galactic Federation ships or to their Project Blue Beam-fake alien invasion theory.  The Unidentified Fying Objects sightings over the skies, especially over US could possibly be Galactic ships also -- Everyday general public saw stranged light object formations in the skies, which have created waves of different speculations from the US government, and American citizens,  including non-Americans. Whatever it may be, anyone following this breaking news, do your god instinct points you to Galactic Federation Ships or to somewhere else?  Are Galactic Federation here to protect President-elect Trump?  Trump, often times, has been in constant meeting with the Galactic Federation Council especifically with the Pleiadians, Orions, Arcturians, Sir...


x Not able to read The Great Awakening in e-book form? No worries, we have it in PDF too! Download PDF for Free now The Final Wakeup Call - English What the world doesn't know Eye-opener: the black aristocracy This is our true story Long ago, when the Anunnaki landed on Earth from their planet Nibiru to mine for gold, they ended up creating their own terrestrial slaves to do the work. Nibiru is the 12th planet in Earth’s solar system, with an orbit of 3,600 Earth years. Father Anu and his two sons Enlil and Enki were in charge. Enki was given the task of conceiving the human slave. A long story, good for other articles.   The Anunnaki appointed pharaohs and later kings, the Black Nobility, to control the Earth slaves. Until the early Middle Ages, these pharaohs and kings became inadequate to the task as the Earth’s population grew. They sought other methods. First it was church authority through faith, later in the 18th century it was the monetary system.   It was Rothschild w...