A Beautiful Transition

by: LelaniTan

I would say it then that, the dark forces, including the original cabal were already taken off the planet, brought to GITMO and were executed years back. 

The cabal SWIFT financial system was already dissolved and replaced with 5D Quantum Financial System (QFS), and is in tandem with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC-Blockchain) Backed By Gold and Space Force X Starlink Quantum Internet. 

While the world looks extremely chaotic, we have been watching many atrocities such as the pandemic, wars, floodings, storms, winds, heavy rainfuls, earthquakes, chemtrails, bombings, inflation, etc...These are all happening anywhere across the globe. 

Deep behind in all of these, there is SOMETHING big time prepared for us - for humanity, the world and the entire planet earth. . 

Understand that all are just optics - smokescreen, false flag, psy ops and staged events etc, to cover up the Plan executed by the good guys against the NWO- evil cabal. All are connected to the Drain The Swamp Operation worldwide.

Global Peace (GESARA Golden Age) can never be achieved, without passing through the storms and pains. Dark is always a part of the journey in every battle to Freedom. 

If you are paying close attention to what are happening nowadays, you can easily catch up, understand and resonate everything whatever is under the sun.  It is by being Awake that would put you heads up that no matter how the mainstream media may bombard you with many dark propagandas, you would never go wrong and never that you would be under their mind conditioning system to believe on lies. 

Understand that in this Battle for Victory & Freedom,  both camps (good guys and bad guys) have held copies of scripted major roles to play in this biggest Movie of the Century. All that you've been seeing are just paid actors to complete the entire narrative.

The ENDING of this reality movie is beautifully planned, directed and played by everybody involved for the GESARA Golden Age  implementation.

Blessings coming fast for all.

Lelani Tan🌺


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