The Quantum Financial System

The Quantum Financial System (QFS)

The QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world to date. It has no adversary; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that any other system previously. It is superior in applied technology so that it offers 100 per cent financial security and transparency to all currency account holders. With the QFS, the world can easily be turned into gold-backed currencies that completely side lines the functioning of the Cabal’s old central banking system.

There is no comparable technology to explain and understand the sophisticated structure of QFS.

The QFS is the new global gold or asset-backed money transfer network that has already been set up and is functioning in Russia, China and other allied countries to replace the centrally controlled Swift system.

The QFS operates on a quantum computer, placed on a satellite in orbit, and is protected from hackers by a secret space program.

The aim of the new financial system is to end corruption, usury and manipulation by criminals within the banking world. Its strength is the applied restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making substantial profits.

The QFS is completely independent of the existing centralized banking system and makes all other transfer systems such as SWIFT and crypto block chains redundant.

Moreover, after the coming money revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, with fixed exchange rates, which guarantees sustainable value, and obviates the need for unsecured Cryptos. 

Cryptos are nothing more than numbers in computer memories.

With the activation of QFS, the Galactic Alliance has completely eliminated the Central Banking System designed by the Deep State to destroy the global economy and keep the world’s population in debt bondage.

A little-known reality is that QFS has been running parallel to the Central Banking System for quite some time, and has endured many hacking attempts by the Cabal ne prevented. As a result, numerous bankers have been caught red-handed during illegal money transfers and arrested on the spot.

It is less known, that this QFS money transfer system was intended as preparation for the takeover of the central bank debt money system to put a definitive end to financial frauds, debt slavery and population control.


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