3Days Of Darkness
The solar eclipse coming on April 8, 2024 supposedly not to take that long for 3 days as far as others think of it. They think of it like to run for 4 minutes only. Yes, the normal experience is only minutes.
Think of it biblically --
Yes, it's biblical --
Understand that we are now in the end times --- not the literal end times BUT THE END OF THE DRACO REPTILLIANS AND CABAL RULE ON EARTH.
Or shall we say, a pole shift, we do not know.
It is a spiritual war between good and evil; between dark energies and light energies or just like God and Satan.
If we talk about war, it means a pre-meditated event involving parties on the both sides. Behind the scenes, people are blinded by the fact that we do not know, what's going to happen during the course of 3 days darkness. We are only informed to take the necessary protection for our safety.
The 3 days of darkness that we are informed ahead means no sun, no moon and no stars. Therefore, the days and nights are of intense darkness as far as the solar eclipse description I read.
The many various warnings and alerts dessiminated worldwide, we are advised to take this seriously -- to take shelter at home especially the countries such as Mexico, USA and Canada --- the so called paths of the solar eclipse.
If said event is not premidated, then why we are alerted to prepare? Why no classes? Why stay at home? Why we need to stock up essential stuffs?
Here are these questions which I would like to ask:
👉Does the 3 days of darkness is in the bible?... a prophesy?...and in the book of revelation? If your answer is yes -- then, resonate with it.
Nothing to fear if you are ready. and destined to evolve to a higher level of frequency.
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