Why The Big Shift Is Necessary

#Words don't come easy to me...but this is the only way...Saying it would mean that I love and care for everyone ...Yes,  I must say it straight - the Truth will set us Free! 

Whether you like it or not, it will happen. 

What to expect in the Golden Age? 

Everything created and established by the Evil Cabal will be removed and deleted from the government system. All the big tech corporations, institutions including religion, media,  universities, hospitals, big pharma, entertainment,  etc ... Customs and Traditions such as fiesta, pagentry and all others which we've inherited from the foreign countries will also be deleted permanently. 

It takes a lot of time and courage to accept the truth about the divine plan readied for us. It is exactly where the whole world is heading to including the Philippines.

It's all about our ASCENSION and not for any thing else. It's not even about the wealth/ funds/money, the prosperity in a physical and material perspectives. The wealth is just a tool to help us raise our vibrational frequency to 5D and it will only operates for a short period of timeline. 

The Transition from old earth to new earth is a process to reach the point of the golden age of aquarius. Our quest is to be reunited with our the intergalactic brothers and sisters and to create heaven on earth. 

We couldn't reach the mire of spiritual success if we are stuck up at the dark,  and focusing too much on these customs and traditions. 

Understand that to Vibrate to Higher Conciousness isn't coming from those beauty contests, public dance, banquette and other preparations made during fiesta celebration and luxurious lifestyles.  Our vibrational frequency reaches higher conciousness when we are willing to shift from material obsessions to spirituality. And this is all about your inner self, my inner self and everybody's self. 

I hope everyone has gotten the message why Global SHIFT is necessary.  I found it hard how to say the facts that no one gets offended. But the truth must prevail... Only by saying the truth that will set us free. 

~Le Tan💞


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