The Final Battle


The Trial of the Century Is Now! 
The Final Battle!💥
by Le Tan

I've got with me a  Confirmed List of the Frequent Visitors in Epstein Island. 

My apology not to be able to post the link as the trusted source doesn't permit copy paste and screenshot. Only a copy link is allowed. 

The trial of the century is currently #switch "on". They are facing the final chapter of their stay on earth as the list has been unsealed. 

It is for this reason why the DS has tried their best to remove Trump on the election official ballot list. A disqualification due to DJT's  insurrection case filed against him in year 2020 Chaos in the Capitol Building DC.  

💥Trump has the
          💥 "Ace card"💥 
The final chess move belongs to him now! He got it all for our freedom and sovereignty. 

💥The unsealing of Epstein List would shock the world. The names written on it are the parading famous personalities of globalist elites, deep state politicians, royal members, Big Pharma CEOs and celebrities ( actors/producers/directors/writers), who are into human trafficking -- harvesting of children's flesh and blood, andrenocrome, sex exploitations and killings of our innocent children for their satanic rituals. 

❎Could you now imagine how the Children Charities are the most loved and favored organizations in the world of entertainment? I'd rather suggest not to give donations to any children's charities, because you, being the donors are also  used as conspirators to proliferate the killings of our innocent children worldwide. 

👁️Now, do not close your eyes beloved ones. After this Epstein expose' and revelations, the final darkest days be transformed into Hope,  LOVE and LIGHT for  us to rejoice! 

🌈Prosperity and abundance will highlight the world, humanity and this entire planet earth. The abundance we will receive are tools to help us raise our vibrational frequencies
to easily, effortlessly and quickly ascend to 5D!

Are you not rejoicing beloved ones? This is all what we are waiting for to be able to watch the climax
of the movie scenes --  the narrative of the true and real "enemy" of the world!

Recapped and transcribed
by Patriot Letan
22 December 2023


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