The Mothership (New Jerusalem)

The New Jerusalem Mothership

This Mothership has always been stationed right infront of planet Venus since ancient times. If you look at the sky early in the morning and look at the bright star we traditionally ascribed as Venus; is actually the light of the New Jerusalem Mothership. The light that we see is not Venus itself it was actually the mothership stationed infront of it. The brightness of the planet Venus was made possible by the NJ Mothership infront of it. Compared with planet Mars, is not as bright as Venus appears to be because there is no mothership infront of it, even though the distance of Mars to Earth is almost the same with Venus.

 And now it was given a go signal along with all the ships of the Galactics to come closer to Earth and let their presence be seen by the whole world.

Looking up from your world, you would see a huge vessel hovering like a big city, larger than any you have on your world. She even glows and is alive - organic. Not anything like your transportation on Earth. The New Jerusalem is many millions of years old. She has been mentioned in your bible many times (King James version), referred to even as a city upon your Earth:

Revelations, Chapter 21, Verse 2
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Luke 24. 51
And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

Mark 16. 19

So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into Heaven and sat on the right hand of God.

So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into Heaven and sat on the right hand of God.

Maybe we can describe our ship to you and you can visualize it in your mind's eye:

The New Jerusalem is the largest of the "Inns of Heaven;" a floating Etheric world, housing the headquarters... The New Jerusalem is a Pearly White Space City. It is 2,000 miles in length and 2,000  in width. 
2000 mile = 3218.688 km

It is one of ten MotherShips. It will be seen from coast to coast. It has twelve levels:

▪️Level 1. 
Bottom - The entry and exit portal for trafficking craft. Includes disembarking platforms, parking docks, garages, maintenance departments, storage areas and Registration Headquarters.

▪️Level 2. 
A colossal stockroom. The Quartermaster Deck containing all manner of supplies. It is an immaculate city of warehouses.

▪️Level 3. 
A vast zoo, including animal husbandry research and a bird land with creatures from many worlds.

▪️Level 4. 
Agricultural research. It is like a vast farmland of well kept vegetables, gardens and fruit orchards. Much of the growth is blue instead of green.

▪️Level 5. 
Housing Center for all those technicians and persons who serve on the four levels below.

▪️Level 6. 
Recreational Level and lovely landscaped park areas for residents of all ages.

▪️Level 7. 
Medical Complex. Patient facilities, dental care, biological research, ships lavatories and quarters for all medical personnel.

▪️Level 8. 
Housing prepared for Earth evacuees. It contains staterooms for individuals and apartments for families. There are countless joint dining areas, social halls, nursery care sections, laundry facilities and information offices.

▪️Level 9. 
University Compound. The Halls of Wisdom, vast libraries, endless concert halls and cultural interests, halls of learning for all ages, music rooms and computer classrooms.

▪️Level 10. 
Special apartments for visiting dignitaries from all dimensions, barracks for the ET's, staterooms and apartments with multiple scattered conference rooms and beautiful sprawling dining and lounge areas.

▪️Level 11. 
Command Headquarters and Great Rotunda Meeting Hall. Earth evacuees are brought to this Great Hall for any necessary group gatherings. The Command Communication Center is located here.

▪️Level 12. 
Officers' Observation Deck and Pilot Control Center, which can be visited by appointment.



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