Spells in English Language

Sharing this interesting meme posted below. 

Unknowingly, we live under a spell… it’s time to wake up from it!

Spells in the english language:

🔸When you go to work in a SUIT  (SUT = SET)

🔸You wear a tie (you are TIED, symbolic  GALLOW around your neck.

🔸On your shirt, you have a COLLAR, a dog has a collar;  collar means to CAPTURE and CUFFS  means HAND CUFFS. 

🔸You A-WAKE in the morning ( wake is a funeral celebration).  Each MORNING (mourning is what you do at a funeral)
and go off during the weekdays (WEAK DAZE) to TO  EARN ( ashes are placed into an URN).

🔸You are living at various JOBS (in Hebrew JOB means PERSECUTED) and UNDERTAKINGS ( funeral  undertaker) until you come to the WEEK ENDS (the weak end of the deal , only two days off versus five slave days). 

 🔸You work in a corporation  (DEAD CORPSE) all life to pay your mortgage (DEATH PLEDGE).

High time to realize that what we are doing everyday is a SPELL. No reason why human beings live in misery throughout our lifetime. Dark forces did it intentionally to CONTROL and SLAVE us from birth to death. 

From the meme below. 



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