Where we came from

Now you understand why those leaders in every country who did not follow orders and command were removed and killed.

The former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Sr, former US President JFK Sr, former US President Abraham Lincoln, etc...
were just few names to mention who were removed and killed for not following orders and command. 
The pursue to topple down US President Trump, expanded further, the reason of the 2020 rigged election, and the failed assasination attempts on Trump, Putin, Xi and other white hats government leaders who go independent from the archon/draconian type of governance. 

It does not take time for you to analyze and understand now,  why those other politicians in every country in the world, who won during election period became their puppets in exchange for money, fame and power. Corruption triggered and proliferated worldwide rooted from bribes for bowing heads and bending knees in order to connive with their NWO agenda. 

All the problems in the world are man made and therefore, can be solved by human beings also. Fortunately, we are blessed for having the White Hats/Earth Alliance and digital soldiers who stand strong and fight so hard for the world, humanity and entire planet earth. 


READ the article below👇👇👇

Where we come from
By Peter B. Meyer - 12 June, 2024

From the beginning, the Archon bloodline families wanted to dominate the world, which required the joining of forces of the 13 most influential Archon bloodline families. 

Professor Adam Weishaupt drew up the plan in 1773 at the request of Meyer Amschel Rothschild.
The ultimate goal was, and still is, a world dictatorship with one leader at the top, based in Jerusalem, Israel.

To this end, all governments and influential politicians were bribed to participate in this goal, without knowing what it would lead to.
The real rulers are the invisible Jesuits, Luciferians and Khazars who exercise their power from behind the scenes.
The crimes of the central bankers are legendary and too numerous to mention here. 

By providing huge loans to almost every country and people, they have become dependent on the 'secret' controlling power of the Deep State.
Governments that wanted to remain independent were dealt with and removed by force; their leaders dethroned. If this was not possible through a political propaganda coup or economic sanctions, the CIA, Mossad or military force was used to achieve the goal of subjugating the country and the people to the New World Order regime.
Consciousness and unity break the power of the Deep State and its minions. 

In reality, the mandates and measures against the fake Covid pandemic are eroding the social consciousness of the people. Some understanding is needed to identify the social engineering programmes of the global elite and how to avoid becoming a victim.
The global elite want 90% depopulation. They want total control and surveillance over every aspect of your life. They want socialism with power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.
Consciousness and unity are the direct obstacle to these plans. So they want to take away everything of value from people and imprison the remaining population in camps. They are doing this in the name of preserving the planet and improving the climate, which is a pertinent lie.



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